遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ホワース・『嵐が丘』の世界 (Haworth/the world of "Wuthering Heights")

13 トップ・ウィゼンズへの道 (The Path to Top Withens)


ブロンテの滝 (Brontё Fall)


ブロンテの橋 (BrontёBridge)



When I walked about 2 and a half miles, the path went down to the Sladen Beck flowing between Haworth Moor and northward Stanbury Moor. A brook running from a small valley on my left flowed into the Sladen Beck.
Upstream the brook, there was "BrontёFall" in the valley. As the water just trickled down, it was too small to call it a waterfall, I thought. The fall must be a big romantic one in the Brontё sisters' world of imagination.
Returning back to the Sladen Beck, I crossed the bridge called "Brontё Bridge" over the stream and climbed up a steep path to Stanbury Moor.
Following a path in the moor to the west, I found something like a cottage and a tree on the shoulder of the gentle hill. That place was Top Withens.

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