遙かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

ヨークシャー・デイルズ (The Yorkshire Dales)

55 ガンナーサイド付近 [スウェイルデイル] (Near Gunnerside, Swaledale)


Swaledale is narrower than Wensleydale. When I visited it, I felt the more bleak and desolate atmosphere of the dale, which lies in the north most of Yorkshire.
There are small but charming villages like Reeth, Healaugh, Gunnerside, Muker and Thwaite along the A6108 and the B6270. These names come from the Norse.
Knowing that the name of Gunnerside comes from a Norse chieftain, Gunnar, which meant the "Gunnar's Pasture", I remember again that the Dales were the country of the Vikings.

リースの村 (The village of Reeth)
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ガンナーサイド付近 II (Near Gunnerside II)
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ガンナーサイド付近 III (Near Gunnerside III)
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