遥かなる わがヨークシャー (Faraway My Yorkshire)

遥かなるリーズ (Faraway Leeds)

86 車窓からのリーズ (The View of Leeds from the Train)


The day I came to Leeds, it was drizzing in early spring. And after one year, I was leaving there in the similar weather.
Intercity 125, the express train with diesel engines, started to run and left the station slowly, trembling with characteristic growls of them.
Crossing the River Aire, the train began to curve to the right. Then I could see the buildings of the city centre in the right backwards. The Town Hall, a symbol of the city, standing magnificently at Victoria Square, looked small at that time among the modern buildings. I had visited the Hall seversal times to listen to clasical music. I remember that a flock of starlings was calling noisily on the street trees near the Hall until late at night.
When the train accelerated gradually and began to curve to the left, both the Town Hall and the town of Leeds passed out of sight in a moment. And the view from the window was becoming dim in the early spring rain.
And now the landscapes of hills, rivers, villages, towns and the others of Yorkshire exist in my memory without any change.

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